Mahalo for your kindness
LOVE goes where lava flows.
100% assistance Directly to people in need from People like yoU
who care
The 2018 volcano lava eruption on Big Island Hawaii, the most destructive in modern history, has left thousands of people evacuated from their homes. An estimated 450 homes have been burned by the lava. Many more homes can not be accessed because of smoke and toxic gasses. Many folks have lost homes, cars, clothing and everything. Some did not have insurance and insurance doesn't cover all losses. Even those with insurance are struggling through paperwork and will have to wait months for benefits. Over 400 people, including children and pets, are in crowded temporary shelters. Kea'au shelter is at full capacity. Many are camping in tents. Thousands more are staying with friends and family.
All will need to rebuild new lives.
Lava Support organization is a grassroots, volunteer organization taking action to directly provide immediate assistance to people in need.

Donate money. 100% of your donation goes directly to people in need. We can accept PayPal, Credit Cards, or Bank transfer from your checking or savings. (All transactions are securely encrypted for complete protection of your account privacy).
Donate items. An Amazon wish list has been created for needed items.
100% volunteer managed, for receiving, transport and distribution of items.