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  • Lava Support Organization

Lava Support organization

joins the hundreds of lava evacuated people, children, pets and seniors in sending a huge Mahalo (thank you) to our generous donors:

Jessica and Micah Gauthier HI, Lew Schwenk. CA,  Stephan Smith. CA, Matt Berman NY/Amsterdam, Mark Kadota HI, Troy Plowman HI, Ernie P. Rancho Mirage CA, Dwight Hawai HI, JoAnne B, Mary D, Kathleen S. WA, Michelle H.,Richard B. Aoteraroa,Susan & Will M TX, Rebecca R, Loretta, Meli & Boomer FL, Stacy Wong, Pat H,Mike & Jeannie M,Allison H, Catherine S,Christine CA, Krista and Matt, Margot Pieper Persephone and Paxton Stewart, Elizabeth Hutchison, Deborah A Velasco VA, Susan O'Day IL, anonymous NC, Elizabeth O'Toole, Amethyst Sheffield HI, Colin and Maggie Aspin, Holly Geib, Elizabeth McGlynn and Steve Blum, Nina Iventosch, Patrick O., Betty Turner, Sasaki Bags, Sarah H Shafer, Elizabeth O'Toole, Jennifer Redwine, Spencer Ohana, Susan Zgodzinski, Melanee Williams, Terrance Johnson Ontario Canada, Patricia M Piccione, Kathleen Shannon, Michael M Willick, Cassie Jorg, Kazemaru Yukawa-Bacon, Eilin Holtan Torgersen,Carlene, Lava Flow Aid, DK Crawford, Barbara Sasaki, Dawna K. Coutant, Kim M Palumbo, Lonna Perry, Heidi Schroeder, Mary Caston Kauai, Susan Paolo, Vanda Epstein, Kathryn M Smith, Cheryl McGovern, Harris family HI & MI, Wakefields, Patricia Harris, Jo-Ann & Walt Stachowicz, Kristine & Diki Short, Michelle Hamilton, Teri and Don Stroud, Denise and kitties, Sarah Dave and Tom Lyonses, Deb Kies, Allison and Zach Holt, Edwina Allee, Deborah Valasco VA, Janata C. S., Karen and Keith, Jennifer Tanaka Kona HI, Charlene, Kelly Goddard, Norm and Sarah WA, Meredith Olmstead, Karl, Chandler and Mari Ford, Sarah Williams, Shannon E Migliori, Angela Stephens, Jen, Merrill Rhodes Rosenau, Bonnie Chase and family, Darrin Bryan Canada, Erin & Kathy Spear San Diego & CO, Linda Thompson San Diego, Gwen Hill, Don Mitchell Hilo, Catherine Chahruori, Joseph Overton, Nancy O'Reilly MO, Karen S Sweeny, Overtons Seattle, Catherine M Smith,


Registered Charity

LAVA Support

RR2 #4857 Pahoa, Hawaii 96778


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